How to Create Your Resume and Apply for Jobs Today!


To upload or create your resume, the first thing you need to do is to register for free or log in to your account.


The next step is to find the dashboard menu. This can be found under your username located in the top right of the screen or under the candidate menu located on top. 


On the left hand side of the dashboard menu,  there will be the “profile” menu. Click “my profile” and directly under will be “My Resume”. Click this and you are ready to edit or upload your resume! 

What Does the “Skills Percentage” Located on the Dashboard Mean?

The “Skills Percentage” scale is a way to measure the amount of information you have entered into your resume. Once it reaches 65%, you can begin to apply to jobs.  

Remember, you cannot apply to a job with your skills percentage lower than 65%

Click here to get started

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